Forming A New Business? We Can Help?
Watt Law Firm, P.C. has expertise in the formation of new business entities including the determination of the appropriate structure for your business and the creation of the corporate documentation.
- We help clients prepare necessary corporate documentation, including:
- Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws;
- Articles of Organization and Operating Agreements;
- Shareholders Agreements;
- Corporate Minutes and Resolutions;
- Business Asset or Stock Purchase Agreements and Sale Agreements.
You may find organizations on the Internet, in magazines or the newspaper that offer certain services at lower rates. However, many of these organizations are unable to provide you with legal advice and may not fully understand the implications of Michigan law.
- Registered Agent Services
- Standard Corporate Compliance Documents (Annual Shareholder and Director Meeting Minutes)
- Buy-Sell Agreements
- Stockholder Agreements
- Employment Agreements
- Independent Contractor Agreements
- Other corporate forms for filing with Secretary of State
- Franchise UFOC and Franchise Agreement Review Services
For a complimentary initial consultation, call our office to set up an appointment.
We are conveniently located in Cascade, barrier free entry, and offer free parking.
Watt Law Firm
2951 Thornhills Avenue SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Telephone No. 616.776.0000